Author Archives: Jeff Bayne

Department of Energy Asks: What Regulations Would You Repeal?

The DOE has issued a Request for Information that seeks public input on “identifying existing regulations, paperwork requirements and other regulatory obligations” for possible modification or repeal as part of DOE’s implementation of the “One-In, Two-Out” executive order.  That executive … Continue reading

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U.S. to Withdraw from Paris Agreement; States and Local Governments Vow to Step Up

UPDATED 08.01.2018 The full list of governors who are a part of the United States Climate Alliance can be found here. Yesterday, President Trump announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement.  Citing concerns about job loss, reduced … Continue reading

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New Report Tracks States’ Grid Modernization Efforts

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center has released its 50 States of Grid Modernization Report for the first quarter of 2017.  This is the first report in what will be an ongoing quarterly series.  Grid modernization is a broad term … Continue reading

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Parties Weigh in on Abeyance Vs. Remand in CPP and NSPS Cases

UPDATED 07.25.2018 Both cases continue to be held in abeyance with EPA filing status reports. A few weeks ago, the D.C. Circuit ordered the parties in both the Clean Power Plan (CPP) litigation and the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) … Continue reading

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Virginia Enacts Suite of Clean Energy Legislation

On May 8, 2017, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed eleven energy-related bills at a ceremonial event.  The Governor’s office released a press release [link eliminated] describing the legislation as “promot[ing] the use of solar and other renewable energy options and aim[ing] … Continue reading

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