EPA’s regulation of air emissions from the power sector has spurred several contentious lawsuits. While some state and local governments are petitioning to have EPA’s rules overturned, others have joined to support EPA. To assist with tracking governmental participation in active EPA power sector-related lawsuits, Considering the Grid has compiled maps depicting state and state agency participation in litigation over the following EPA rules:
- Clean Power Plan (CPP);
- New Source Performance Standards for New Power Plants (CO2 NSPS);
- Mercury Air Toxics Standard (MATS); and
- New Source Performance Standards for Oil and Natural Gas Sector (Methane NSPS).
Below is an overview of the number of proceedings each party is involved in:
State and/or State Agency Petitioners in
4 cases
3 cases
2 cases
1 case (includes Amici in support of Petitioners)
State and/or State Agency Supporting EPA in
4 cases
3 cases
2 cases
Not participating