Category Archives: Blog Posts

Predicting a Future Without the Clean Power Plan

With litigation ongoing before the D.C. Circuit and possible action from the Trump Administration, it is an understatement to call the CPP’s future uncertain.  Not surprisingly, some groups have gone from studying the effects of the CPP’s implementation to studying … Continue reading

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NCDEQ Files Motion to Withdraw from CPP Litigation

UPDATED 07.25.2018 On March 7, 2017, the court granted NCDEQ’s motion to withdraw as petitioner. Earlier today, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), filed a motion to withdraw as a petitioner from the Clean Power Plan litigation.  The … Continue reading

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State Air Pollution Control Agencies Submit Recommendations to Trump’s Administration

Shortly after EPA Administrator Pruitt’s confirmation, the National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA)—a nonpartisan association of air pollution control agencies in 40 states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and 116 metropolitan areas—submitted a set of nine policy recommendations … Continue reading

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Renewable Energy on State Agendas

While the new administration shapes its policies on renewable energy development, the Governors’ Wind & Solar Energy Coalition, a bipartisan group made up of twenty state governors,* published a letter earlier this month urging the President to support the nation’s … Continue reading

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Senate Confirms Pruitt as EPA Administrator

The United States Senate voted to confirm Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator this afternoon, by a vote of 52-46. The vote took place as scheduled and fell largely along party lines. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) was the … Continue reading

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