Category Archives: Blog Posts

New White Paper Examines Cost Impacts of Nuclear Retirements on CPP Compliance

A recent white paper issued by the global business advisory firm FTI Consulting, The Impacts of Nuclear Retirements under the Clean Power Plan, suggests that the recent and potentially continuing uptick in nuclear retirements, currently totaling 8.3 gigawatts or 8% … Continue reading

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DOE to Host Webinar on Marine Hydrokinetic Wave Energy Funding Opportunity

The Department of Energy (DOE) will host an informational webinar on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 4:00-5:00 P.M. EDT, regarding its recent marine wave energy Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  The FOA, issued August 16, 2016, is administered through DOE’s Energy Efficiency … Continue reading

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Natural Gas Generation Predicted to Emit More CO2 Than Coal in 2016

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has predicted that energy-associated CO2 emissions from natural gas will be greater than those from coal for the first time since 1972.  While coal is more carbon-intensive than natural gas, changes in generation mix have … Continue reading

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Litigation Update: EPA’s Methane Rules for Oil and Natural Gas

Nine petitions challenging EPA’s final New Source Performance Standards for the oil and natural gas sector have been filed with the D.C. Circuit (the rule was published in the Federal Register in early June).  EPA’s rule limits certain greenhouse gas, … Continue reading

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Who’s Up to Bat?

The D.C. Circuit has issued an order setting the “lineup” for the September 27 oral argument on challenges to the Clean Power Plan.*  The argument, which is scheduled to be held before the full court, will be divided into five segments.  … Continue reading

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