Category Archives: Blog Posts

Nuclear Energy in DOE’s Quadrennial Energy Review

The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) offered comments earlier this month on DOE’s Quadrennial Energy Review.  NEI argues that preserving and expanding nuclear energy infrastructure is key to both an “all of the above” energy policy and CO2 emission reduction efforts.  … Continue reading

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Fifth Circuit Grants Stay of EPA’s Implementation of Regional Haze Rule

On July 15, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a judicial stay on EPA’s Regional Haze Rule federal implementation plan for Texas and Oklahoma.  Unlike the Clean Power Plan, the Regional Haze Rule does not … Continue reading

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Ceres Issues Air Emission Rankings of Largest U.S. Power Producers for 2016

Last week, Ceres, a nonprofit that advocates for sustainability by bringing together environmentalists and capitalists, released Benchmarking Air Emissions of the 100 Largest Electric Power Producers in the United States.  The report evaluates and compares the emissions of the 100 … Continue reading

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New York PSC Staff Proposes Nuclear Energy Subsidy

On July 8, 2016 the New York Public Service Commission Staff (NYPSC) issued for public comment its “Responsive Proposal for Preserving Zero-Emission Attributes” in which Staff proposes to subsidize the zero emission attributes from nuclear facilities when there is a … Continue reading

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Brattle Group Offers Guidance for States Looking to Canadian Clean Energy for CPP Compliance

States that may seek international assistance in achieving their CPP emission reduction targets can look to a June 2016 report prepared by the Brattle Group for ideas.  The report, Enabling Canadian Electricity Imports for Clean Power Plan Compliance, was prepared … Continue reading

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