Category Archives: Blog Posts

Commissioner LaFleur Expresses Concern about Infrastructure Development

On March 4, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order accepting a notice of termination of a Generator Interconnection Agreement for a wind farm.  The Generator Interconnection Agreement was to allow a 150 MW wind farm (to be … Continue reading

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President Obama and Prime Minister Trudeau Discuss Climate Change

Last week, President Obama welcomed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the Canadian delegation’s first official visit and state dinner in almost 20 years.  During the visit, the two leaders released a U.S.-Canada Joint Statement on Climate, Energy, and Arctic … Continue reading

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State Utility Commissions Investigate Grid Modernization

UPDATED 02.21.2017 with Minnesota e21 Phase II report. Grid modernization is a hot-button topic that is being discussed nationwide.  In several states, the utility commissions have opened formal investigations and/or are developing plans to implement grid modernization activities.  Included among … Continue reading

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Oregon Passes Law to Phase Out Coal by 2030, Increase Reliance on Renewables

UPDATED 3.14.2016 to reflect Governor Kate Brown’s signing of the bill In an historic move, last Wednesday, March 2, 2016, the Oregon Senate Oregon has passed enacted the Clean Energy and Coal Transition Act, also known as SB 1547, directing … Continue reading

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Status Quo Continues for MATS

Earlier today Chief Justice Roberts denied the application of parties seeking a stay of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard.  Acting alone, the Chief Justice issued his decision less than 24 hours after the EPA, other states, and utilities each … Continue reading

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