Search Results for: new source review

Department of Energy Asks: What Regulations Would You Repeal?

The DOE has issued a Request for Information that seeks public input on “identifying existing regulations, paperwork requirements and other regulatory obligations” for possible modification or repeal as part of DOE’s implementation of the “One-In, Two-Out” executive order.  That executive … Continue reading

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Parties Weigh in on Abeyance Vs. Remand in CPP and NSPS Cases

UPDATED 07.25.2018 Both cases continue to be held in abeyance with EPA filing status reports. A few weeks ago, the D.C. Circuit ordered the parties in both the Clean Power Plan (CPP) litigation and the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) … Continue reading

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D.C. Circuit Holds in Abeyance MATS and NSPS Litigation

UPDATED 07.25.2018 Both cases continue to be held in abeyance with EPA filing status reports at 90-day intervals. In addition to the D.C. Circuit’s order granting EPA’s motion to hold in abeyance litigation surrounding the Clean Power Plan, the court … Continue reading

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5th Circuit Grants Abeyance and EPA Postpones Compliance Deadlines for Effluent Limitation Guidelines; EPA Submits Further Abeyance Motions

Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit issued an order granting EPA’s motion to hold Southwestern Electric Power Co. v. EPA (consolidated challenges to EPA’s “Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category” (Rule)) in abeyance for … Continue reading

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D.C. Circuit Grants DOJ Request to Hold EPA’s 2015 Ozone Standards Cases in Abeyance

In an order issued last week, the D.C. Circuit granted DOJ’s request in Murray Energy Corp. v. EPA, No. 15-1385, to hold in abeyance challenges to EPA’s 2015 update to the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).  The Clean … Continue reading

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