Tag Archives: Clean Power Plan

Midcontinent Power Sector Collaborative Examines Considerations for Distributing CPP Allowances

The CPP offers states choosing to comply under a mass-based emission trading program discretion to decide both the methods that will be used to distribute CO2 allowances and the parties that will receive such distribution.  In order to assist states with … Continue reading

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New White Paper Examines Cost Impacts of Nuclear Retirements on CPP Compliance

A recent white paper issued by the global business advisory firm FTI Consulting, The Impacts of Nuclear Retirements under the Clean Power Plan, suggests that the recent and potentially continuing uptick in nuclear retirements, currently totaling 8.3 gigawatts or 8% … Continue reading

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Who’s Up to Bat?

The D.C. Circuit has issued an order setting the “lineup” for the September 27 oral argument on challenges to the Clean Power Plan.*  The argument, which is scheduled to be held before the full court, will be divided into five segments.  … Continue reading

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States Seek Extension of Comment Deadline on Clean Energy Incentive Program

The 27 states challenging the CPP have requested that EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy toll the closing of the comment period on the agency’s proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) until at least 60 days after the Supreme Court’s stay of … Continue reading

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CPP Celebrates a Birthday and California Releases Details About Its Proposed Implementation Plan

One year ago yesterday, the EPA released the Clean Power Plan.  Despite the uncertainty created by the judicial stay and ongoing litigation, some states are forging ahead with developing their implementation plans.  This week California became the first state to … Continue reading

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