Tag Archives: CPP litigation

Litigation Update: West Virginia v. EPA

In the past few weeks, there have been several developments in West Virginia v. EPA.  Here is a quick recap: On December 8, 2015, the petitioners jointly filed a motion requesting the Court: (1) adopt an expedited briefing schedule and hold … Continue reading

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EPA Fires Back at Motions to Stay

On December 3, 2015 the EPA filed its response to petitioners’ motions to stay in West Virginia v. EPA. In response to the movants’ claims that they are likely to succeed on the merits, EPA reviews the justification that it … Continue reading

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Stopping the Clock on the Clean Power Plan

UPDATED 9.1.2016 with additional information about amicus parties; UPDATED 1.28.2016 with additional information about the parties; UPDATED 12.29.2015 with additional information about the petitions and parties; UPDATED 12.7.2015 with additional information about the petitions and parties; UPDATED 11.4.2015 with additional … Continue reading

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Warp Speed Litigation

Mere seconds after the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (D.C. Circuit) opened its doors (and website) for business this morning, parties started filing petitions for review of the Clean Power Plan which was published in the … Continue reading

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Court Denies Petitions of States and Peabody Energy

On September 9, the D.C. Circuit denied the emergency petitions of West Virginia (and other state petitioners) and Peabody Energy Corporation that asked for a stay of the Clean Power Plan. The court found that the petitioners had not met … Continue reading

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