Tag Archives: EPA

EPA Asks Court Not to Issue “Advisory Opinion” on CPP

On April 12, EPA filed a response in support of its motion to hold the CPP litigation in abeyance.  In this response, EPA argues that “it is not the proper role of this Court to try to shape a potential forthcoming … Continue reading

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To Abey, or Not to Abey. That is the Question.

Parties on both sides of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) litigation have filed responses to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) motions to hold the cases in abeyance, with those challenging the rules filing in … Continue reading

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Litigation Update: Clean Power Plan, New Source Performance Standards, and Effluent Limitations

UPDATED 07.25.2018 On August 11, 2017, EPA announced in a letter that it will conduct a new rulemaking to “potentially revise the new, more stringent Best Available Technology Economically Achievable effluent limitations and Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources in the … Continue reading

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Breaking Down the Energy Executive Order

UPDATED 03.31.2017 The Executive Order has been published in the Federal Register, 82 Fed. Reg. 16,093. Also, the Office of Management and Budget released a statement regarding the budgetary impact analysis for this executive order. Earlier this week, President Trump … Continue reading

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President Releases Energy Executive Order

Earlier today, President Trump signed an executive order entitled “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth.”  The full text of the order—which, among other things, outlines the Administration’s directives on the Clean Power Plan—is available here.  Stay tuned for a more detailed … Continue reading

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