Tag Archives: Solar

Ceres Issues Air Emission Rankings of Largest U.S. Power Producers for 2016

Last week, Ceres, a nonprofit that advocates for sustainability by bringing together environmentalists and capitalists, released Benchmarking Air Emissions of the 100 Largest Electric Power Producers in the United States.  The report evaluates and compares the emissions of the 100 … Continue reading

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Modeling the CPP and Post-2030 Possibilities

Georgia Tech recently released a working paper entitled The Clean Power Plan and Beyond. With a particular eye toward impacts in the South, the study uses Georgia Tech’s version of the National Energy Modeling System to look at four compliance … Continue reading

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Proposed CEIP Design Details Published in the Federal Register

UPDATED 07.21.2016 with extended comment date. UPDATED 08.25.2016 with new extended comment date. Earlier today, EPA published its Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) Design Details proposal in the Federal Register, triggering the start of the 60-day comment period (deadline August 29 September … Continue reading

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DOE Launches Its First Podcast

While podcasting began in 2004, the medium first generated widespread attention in the fall of 2014 with the breakout success of Serial.  This week, the Department of Energy (DOE) joined the world of podcasting, launching its own podcast called Direct … Continue reading

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Berkeley Lab Releases Annual Status Report on U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards

On April 6, 2016, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) published its 2016 Annual Status Report analyzing the state of Renewables Portfolio Standards (RPS) in the U.S.  This most recent report is part of Berkeley Lab’s ongoing efforts to track … Continue reading

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