Author Archives: Anjali Patel

EPA Issues Update to Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

On September 7, 2016, EPA finalized its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) Update for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS (Update) setting new summertime (May–September) ozone season nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission budgets for power plants in 22 eastern states. Under the Clean … Continue reading

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North Dakota v. EPA Briefing Schedule Released

The D.C. Circuit has issued a revised briefing schedule for North Dakota v. EPA in which the court will review EPA’s New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for CO2 emissions from new, modified, and reconstructed power plants and EPA’s denial of … Continue reading

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Midcontinent Power Sector Collaborative Examines Considerations for Distributing CPP Allowances

The CPP offers states choosing to comply under a mass-based emission trading program discretion to decide both the methods that will be used to distribute CO2 allowances and the parties that will receive such distribution.  In order to assist states with … Continue reading

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Who’s Up to Bat?

The D.C. Circuit has issued an order setting the “lineup” for the September 27 oral argument on challenges to the Clean Power Plan.*  The argument, which is scheduled to be held before the full court, will be divided into five segments.  … Continue reading

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Massachusetts Enacts Energy Diversity Law

On Monday, August 8, 2016, Massachusetts Governor Baker signed into law legislation aimed at promoting energy diversity within the commonwealth. Highlights of House Bill No. 4568, An Act to Promote Energy Diversity, include the following: The Department of Public Utilities … Continue reading

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