The D.C. Circuit has issued a revised briefing schedule for North Dakota v. EPA in which the court will review EPA’s New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for CO2 emissions from new, modified, and reconstructed power plants and EPA’s denial of reconsideration of the same. The court had suspended the previous briefing schedule to allow parties to file for review of EPA’s decision on reconsideration. The revised schedule is as follows (a list of the parties can be found here):
Word Limit | Deadline | |
Petitioners Briefs: Petitioner State of North Dakota State Petitioners Non-State Petitioners |
4,000 words 9,000 words 18,000 words |
October 13, 2016 |
Brief for Petitioner-Intervenors | 7,000 words | October 24, 2016 |
Brief for Respondent | 31,000 words | December 14, 2016 |
Briefs for Respondent-Intervenors | max 3 briefs, 13,300 words combined |
December 21, 2016 |
Reply Briefs: Petitioner State of North Dakota State Petitioners Non-State Petitioners Petitioner-Intervenors |
2,000 words 4,500 words 9,000 words 3,500 words |
January 19, 2017 |
Deferred Appendix | January 30, 2017 | |
Final Briefs | February 6, 2017 |