Category Archives: Blog Posts

West Virginia Court Directs EPA to Consider Impact of Regulations on Coal Jobs

Yesterday, a federal district judge in West Virginia presiding over a challenge brought by Murray Energy Corp. held that Section 321(a) of the Clean Air Act requires EPA to consider impacts of its Clean Air Act regulations on the coal industry. … Continue reading

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Energy-Related Impacts of Upcoming Election

The Nicholas Institute at Duke recently published a report that considers the energy and environmental issues that the next president will face, Illuminating the Energy Policy Agenda: Electricity Sector Issues Facing the Next Administration.  The report covers federal regulation of … Continue reading

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Brattle Group Surveys Consumer Advocates on Demand Charges

Recently, Ryan Hledik and Ahmad Faruqui of The Brattle Group published Competing Perspectives on Demand Charges: Survey of Consumer Advocates Identifies Areas of Agreement and Disagreement (originally published in Public Utilities Fortnightly). Traditionally, residential electricity rates have been flat, meaning … Continue reading

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Paris Agreement Will Enter Into Force on Friday, November 4, 2016

UPDATED 08.01.2018 On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Yesterday, October 5, 2016 the Paris Agreement officially passed its international ratification threshold paving the way for the Agreement to enter into … Continue reading

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EPA Large Facility Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Shows Decrease in Power Plant Emissions

EPA recently released its 2015 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) data.  The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program collects greenhouse gas (GHG) emission information from large industrial sources, including power plants.  The EPA’s GHGRP website includes access to the 2015 data sets, … Continue reading

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