Category Archives: Blog Posts

FERC Announces Technical Conference on Electric Storage Resources

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has announced plans to convene a technical conference on November 9, 2016 regarding utilization of electric storage resources in the wholesale electric markets. The Notice of Technical Conference describes electric storage resources as facilities … Continue reading

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LBNL Releases Reports on Utility Planning for a Changing Grid

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory recently released two reports related to utility planning efforts for future changes to the electric grid. The first, The Future of Electricity Resource Planning, is coauthored by Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) and is … Continue reading

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It’s a Wrap: D.C. Circuit Finishes “Marathon” Day of Oral Arguments

The D.C. Circuit’s CPP oral arguments continued through yesterday afternoon with counsel addressing the final three argument segments: (1) constitutional issues, (2) notice issues, and (3) record-based issues not submitted on briefs. As was case in the morning session, the … Continue reading

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CPP Oral Arguments Underway Before the D.C. Circuit

Interested observers arrived hours in advance (or paid line-standers) to get into the courtroom or one of several overflow rooms to watch today’s oral arguments before the D.C. Circuit on challenges to the Clean Power Plan. This morning the court … Continue reading

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Modeling Goes On for the CPP

Although the fate of the CPP remains uncertain, groups continue to model different scenarios that assume its implementation.  In a recently released report, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) compared five studies concerning CPP implementation. (Specifically, the studies are … Continue reading

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