Category Archives: Blog Posts

A Peek Into MISO and PJM CPP Modeling Efforts

Last week, PJM released an updated Draft Modeling Analysis, informed by input it received from the Organization of PJM States, Inc.  PJM notes that the analysis will not be used to inform specific transmission upgrades, but rather “should be used … Continue reading

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MATS Marches On

UPDATED 01.05.2016 Comments due January 15, 2016 On November 20, 2015 the EPA proposed a supplemental finding to its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) in which EPA considers the compliance costs (on a system-wide basis) associated with regulating mercury … Continue reading

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Clean Energy Incentive Program: Basics and Next Steps

The Clean Energy Incentive Program (CEIP) is EPA’s program to incentivize early investment in solar and wind renewable energy generation and energy efficiency programs in low-income communities. What is the CEIP?  The CEIP, which was first introduced by the EPA … Continue reading

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Affordable Housing and Energy Efficiency

Although EPA removed energy efficiency from the building blocks in the final CPP, energy efficiency remains available to states as a compliance option.  Energy Efficiency for All’s Clean Power Plan Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing focuses on approaches … Continue reading

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In Case You Missed It: MISO’s Clean Power Plan Workshop

On November 6, 2015, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) hosted a Clean Power Plan Workshop to provide stakeholders and interested parties with a primer on the CPP final rule (slides available here). Highlights included a closer look at how … Continue reading

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