Tag Archives: Judicial review

It’s a Wrap: D.C. Circuit Finishes “Marathon” Day of Oral Arguments

The D.C. Circuit’s CPP oral arguments continued through yesterday afternoon with counsel addressing the final three argument segments: (1) constitutional issues, (2) notice issues, and (3) record-based issues not submitted on briefs. As was case in the morning session, the … Continue reading

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Litigation Maps Illustrate State Involvement in Power Sector Environmental Regulation Suits

States are on both sides of the various lawsuits over EPA’s regulation of air emissions from the power sector.  To assist readers with tracking state and local government participation in active litigation, Considering the Grid has compiled maps showing the … Continue reading

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North Dakota v. EPA Briefing Schedule Released

The D.C. Circuit has issued a revised briefing schedule for North Dakota v. EPA in which the court will review EPA’s New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for CO2 emissions from new, modified, and reconstructed power plants and EPA’s denial of … Continue reading

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Litigation Update: EPA’s Methane Rules for Oil and Natural Gas

Nine petitions challenging EPA’s final New Source Performance Standards for the oil and natural gas sector have been filed with the D.C. Circuit (the rule was published in the Federal Register in early June).  EPA’s rule limits certain greenhouse gas, … Continue reading

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Who’s Up to Bat?

The D.C. Circuit has issued an order setting the “lineup” for the September 27 oral argument on challenges to the Clean Power Plan.*  The argument, which is scheduled to be held before the full court, will be divided into five segments.  … Continue reading

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