EPA has released eGRID2016, the twelfth iteration of its Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database. First released in 1998, eGRID makes available plant-specific generation and emissions data for all U.S. electric generating plants that provide power to the electric grid and report data to the federal government. Previous eGRID data has been used by both governmental and nongovernmental organizations for a variety of modeling and reporting purposes, including by EPA to develop the state-level CO2 emission rate baselines used in the Clean Power Plan. EPA also uses the data for its online Power Profiler which allows users to obtain information about the air emission impacts of their home or business electricity use and to compare emissions in their region to the national average.
eGRID2016 is arranged in two Excel workbooks (one in metric and the other in Imperial units) with eight different aggregate data files (boiler, generator, plant, state, balancing authority, eGRID subregion, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) region, and the total United States), and a ninth file for regional grid loss data. The database includes information about, among other things, each unit’s generator type, capacity, fuel input, and net generation; the air programs that the unit is subject to; and the unit’s NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions.