Author Archives: Jeff Bayne

Congress to Examine Modernizing Energy and Environmental Policy

This week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is turning its attention to the modernization of energy and environmental policies.  Its Subcommittee on Energy and Subcommittee on Environment will hold separate hearings, and both of these hearings will address, among … Continue reading

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White House and Senate Democrats Turn Their Attention to Infrastructure

Earlier this week, both the new Trump administration and Senate Democrats offered some insight into their visions on how to best go about revitalizing U.S. infrastructure.  On January 24, 2017, the White House put out an Executive Order Expediting Environmental … Continue reading

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Department of Energy Reports on New Transmission and Wind Curtailment

Last week, DOE released a report titled Reducing Wind Curtailment through Transmission Expansion in a Wind Vision Future.  This report follows up on a 2015 DOE Wind Vision study, which looked at the potential benefits of a scenario in which … Continue reading

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DOE Releases Second Installment of Quadrennial Energy Review

After almost a year of stakeholder engagement, the DOE released the second installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER 1.2).  While the first installment of the QER focused on modernizing the U.S.’s energy infrastructure, QER 1.2 addresses the interrelated issues … Continue reading

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FERC Issues Report on Demand Response and Advanced Metering

FERC staff issued its final report of 2016, entitled Assessment of Demand Response and Advanced Metering.  The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires FERC to prepare annual reports on demand response resources.  This is the eleventh such report. Demand response … Continue reading

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