Category Archives: Blog Posts

EPA to Provide More Information on the Clean Power Plan

EPA recently announced that it will be holding webinars [link eliminated] to provide further information on particular aspects of the CPP.  Currently scheduled topics include: Emissions Trading 101, Monday, January 11, 2016, 2:00-3:30 PM ET, in which EPA will provide a basic … Continue reading

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Energy Law Journal – Is EPA The New Energy Regulator?

In The Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Power Plan: A Paradigm Shift in Energy Regulation Away from Energy Regulators, published in the current issue of the Energy Law Journal, William S. Scherman (former FERC general counsel) and Jason J. … Continue reading

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New Year, New Information

Happy New Year to all of our readers. To kick off the New Year here is a round-up of several upcoming conferences and webinars that may be of interest: On Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 12:30 PM ET the Council … Continue reading

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Out with the Old, in with the New: Moving from the CPP to the Proposed FIP

When the Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal Register in October, EPA also released its responses to the millions of comments it received.  These responses are helpful in understanding aspects of the CPP and getting a better sense … Continue reading

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Litigation Update: West Virginia v. EPA

In the past few weeks, there have been several developments in West Virginia v. EPA.  Here is a quick recap: On December 8, 2015, the petitioners jointly filed a motion requesting the Court: (1) adopt an expedited briefing schedule and hold … Continue reading

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