Category Archives: Blog Posts

EIA Data Shows Real-Time Impacts of Weather Events on Energy Infrastructure

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides a wealth of, well, information for users interested in better understanding energy infrastructure.  Recent updates to the U.S. Energy Mapping System include features such as power plants with a 1 MW or greater capacity, … Continue reading

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FERC Approves ISO-New England’s Competitive Auction with Sponsored Policy Resources

Last Friday, FERC issued a divided opinion approving ISO-New England’s (ISO-NE) proposed Competitive Auction with Sponsored Policy Resources (CASPR).  CASPR is ISO-NE’s effort to better accommodate recent actions taken by states, outside of the wholesale markets, to promote new, preferred … Continue reading

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RTO/ISOs File Grid Resilience Comments

On March 9, each of the FERC-jurisdictional Independent System Operators (ISOs)/Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) filed comments in FERC’s resilience proceeding, Docket No. AD18-7. FERC had requested that each jurisdictional ISO/RTO respond to a series of questions concerning: (1) the definition … Continue reading

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The Numbers Behind the Nation’s Electric Portfolio

EPA has released eGRID2016, the twelfth iteration of its Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database.  First released in 1998, eGRID makes available plant-specific generation and emissions data for all U.S. electric generating plants that provide power to the electric grid … Continue reading

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CPP Update: Abeyance, Listening Sessions, and Climate Mayors’ Letter

On March 1, the D.C. Circuit ordered that West Virginia et al. v. EPA, No. 15-1363, the litigation surrounding the Clean Power Plan, should remain in abeyance for another 60 days.  Consistent with prior orders, the court directed EPA to … Continue reading

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