Category Archives: Blog Posts

White House Releases Proposed Budget and Infrastructure Framework

Both the President’s proposed budget and the Trump Administration’s long-awaited infrastructure plan recommend significant changes to the role the federal government plays in the energy sector.  The President’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2019, which includes substantial cuts to both … Continue reading

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Bipartisan Budget Deal Passed

Early this morning Congress passed and the President signed into law a two-year budget deal. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018: Increases the discretionary spending caps for nondefense spending to $579 billion in FY2018 and $597 billion in FY2019, a … Continue reading

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EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2018 Shows U.S. Could be Net Energy Exporter By 2022

Today, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its 2018 Annual Energy Outlook.  The report includes projections of U.S. energy markets through 2050 based on a Reference Case,* which takes into account existing laws and policies and assumes they remain unchanged … Continue reading

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Tales of Weather and Wind

The Weather Channel’s United States of Climate Change site has collections of stories from across the country about climate change.  The stories range from adjusting bison grazing habits in South Dakota as a way to sequester carbon, to the impact … Continue reading

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Department of Defense Reports on Climate Change Vulnerabilities

The Department of Defense has issued a report entitled Climate-Related Risk to DoD Infrastructure: Initial Vulnerability Assessment Survey (SLVAS), as directed by Senate Report 114-237.  In the report, the Department of Defense explains that there are several ways in which … Continue reading

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